The Northrop Frye Award of Excellence for the integration of Research and Teaching recognizes those individuals or team of individuals who have enhanced the student experience through innovative curriculum, co-curricular learning, and pedagogical contributions inside and outside the classroom with a special focus on the integration of research and teaching. I received the award in 2015; read more here.
Genre Interventions: Taming Lawmakers through Prayer, Poetry, and Song
Though law may tame public prayer, scrubbing its specificity or divine referents, there is still something in its performance that is worthy of consideration as a particular kind of political action.
In response to “Law’s Prayer: Town of Greece v Galloway” by Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, I wrote a contribution to the SSRC Forum Reverberations: New Directions in Prayer; find it here.
AAR Award for Excellence
My 2011 book Spirits of Protestantism: Medicine, Healing, and Liberal Christianity won the American Academy of Religion Award of Excellence in Analytical-Descriptive Studies in 2012. [Read more…] about AAR Award for Excellence