Religion and memory on the land
“Faith in Citation.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 53(2): 273-284.
“Remediating Colonialism: Stories of Gold in Harvard’s Natural History Museum.”, co-authored with Claire Neid (MA student, Harvard Divinity School), in Civilizing Rituals Reconsidered: Museums as Ritual Sites in Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by James Bielo and Lieke Wijnia. London: Routledge, pp. 35-58.
“Promiscuous Affiliation: Evangelical Women, Biblical Mediation and Digital Infrastructures of Conversion.” Co-authored with Suzanne van Geuns, Digital Humanities and Material Religion, eds. Emily Clark and Rachel McBride Lindsey, Berlin: De Gruyter.
“Skating in the City” for a symposium on “Rethinking Religion and Secularism in Urban Planning” in Planning Theory and Practice 22(2: 274-77).
“Double vision, double cross: American exceptionalism, borders, and the study of religion”, Afterword to At Home and Abroad, ed. Winnifred Sullivan and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 304-313.
“Corporate, Corporal, Collective: Reflections on Gender, Genres, and the Ongoing Troubling of the Categories of Religion and the Secular,” Afterword to Transforming Bodies and Religion: Powers and Agencies in Europe, ed. Mariecke van den Berg, Lieke L. Schrijvers, and Jelle Wiering. London: Routledge, pp. 221-227.
“Religion and Home: Sites of Sanctuary and Suspicion” A Cultural History of the Home in the Modern Age, 1920-2000, ed. Despina Stratigakos, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 184-204.
“North America, Turtle Island, and the Study of Religion”, co-written with Jennifer Graber. Numen 67(2-3): 313-325.
“Back to the Land and Waters: Futures for the Study of Religions” Religion, 50(1): 90-96.
“‘The First “White” Xmas’: Settler Multiculturalism, Nisga’a Hospitality, and Ceremonial Sovereignty on the Pacific Northwest Coast”, The Public Work of Christmas, ed. Pamela Klassen and Monique Scheer, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, pp. 18-41.
“Contraception and the Coming of Secularism: Reconsidering Reproductive Freedom as Religious Freedom” Secular Bodies, Affects, and Emotions, eds. Monique Scheer, Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, and Nadia Fadil, London: Bloomsbury, 2019, pp. 17-30.
“Fending Off Foreclosure: Options for thinking about bodies, religion, medicine, and secularity” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 47(2): 299-304.
“Narrating Religion through Museums” Narrating Religion, ed. Sarah Iles Johnston, MacMillan Interdisciplinary Handbook, 2016, pp. 333-352.
“Medicine” The Oxford Handbook for the Study of Religion, ed. Steven Engler and Michael Stausberg, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 416-429.
“God Keep our Land: The Legal Ritual of the McKenna-McBride Commission, 1913-1916” Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority, ed. Benjamin Berger and Richard Moon, London: Hart Publishing, 2016, pp. 79-93.
“Suppressing the Mad Elephant: Missionaries, Lamas, and the Mediation of Sacred Historiographies in the Tibetan Borderlands,” Co-authored with Matthew King, History and Anthropology, 26:3, 2015: 1-24.
“Fantasies of Sovereignty: Civic Secularism in Canada” Critical Research on Religion 3:1, 2015:41-56.
“Mentality, Fundamentality, and the Colonial Secular; or How Real is Real Estate?” Transformations of Religion and the Public Sphere: Postsecular Publics, eds. Rosi Braidotti, Bolette Blaagaard, and Eva Midden. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014, pp. 175-194. See here.
“Making Religion Mental: A Response to Birgit Meyer’s ‘Mediation and the Genesis of Presence’” Religion and Society, Volume 5, 2014, 231-237.
“The Politics of Protestant Healing: Theoretical Tools for the Study of Spiritual Bodies and the Body Politic” Spiritus 14 (1, Spring, 2014): 67-75.
“Christianity as a Polemical Concept” for The Companion to the Anthropology of Religion, eds. Michael Lambek and Janice Boddy, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp. 344-362.
“Material Witnesses: Women and the Mediation of Christianity,” Co-authored with Kathryn Lofton, in Media, Religion, and Gender, ed. Mia Lövheim, New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 52-65.
“Religion and Myths of Nationhood in Canada and Mexico in the Twenty-first Century.” Concluding Essay in The Cambridge History of Religions in America: Volume III: 1945 to the Present, ed. Stephen J. Stein, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 719-745.
“Saint as Cipher: Paul, Badiou, and the Politics of Ritual Repudiation”, co-authored with John W. Marshall. History of Religion 51:4, 2012, 344-363.
“Ritual, Tradition, and the Force of Design” in Ritualdesign, eds. Janina Karolewski, Christof Zotter, and Nadja Miczek. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012.
“Practice” in Keywords in the Study of Media and Religion, ed. David Morgan, New York: Routledge, 2008, pp. 136-147.
“Ritual” in The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion, ed. John Corrigan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 143-161.
“Radio Mind: Protestant Experimentalists on the Frontiers of Healing” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 75:3, 2007: 651-683. See here.
“Textual Healing: Mainstream Protestants and the Therapeutic Text, 1900-1925” Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, 75:4, 2006: 809-848.
“Ritual Appropriation and Appropriate Ritual: Christian Healing and Adaptations of Asian Religions” History and Anthropology, 16:3, 2005: 377-391.
“The Robes of Womanhood: Dress and Authenticity among African American Methodist Women in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Religion and American Culture, 14:1, 2004: 39-82.
“Mothers between God and Mammon: Feminist Interpretations of Childbirth” in Consuming Motherhood, ed. Janelle Taylor, Danielle Wozniak, and Lynda Lange, Rutgers University Press, 2004, pp. 249-270.
“Procreating Women and Religion: The Politics of Spirituality, Healing, and Childbirth in North America,” Religion and Healing in America, ed. Susan Sered and Linda Barnes, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 71-88.
“The Scandal of Pain in Childbirth” in Suffering Religion, ed. Robert Gibbs and Eliot Wolfson, New York: Routledge, 2002, pp. 73-100.
“Sacred Maternities and Post-Biomedical Bodies: Religion and Nature in Contemporary Home Birth” Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 26(3, 2001):775-810.
“Practicing Conflict: Weddings as Sites of Contest and Compromise” Mennonite Quarterly Review. 72(2, 1998): 225-241.